Work And Play: How To Vacation While On The Job

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Originally Published Aug. 1, 2016.

You’ve likely been there before—in desperate need of a vacation but afraid to leave behind the tons of work that needs to be done. That growing, urgent pile of work that will inevitably be waiting for you upon your return.

You wouldn’t be the first to be faced with that situation.

In fact, you’re probably like many vacationers who try to avoid that very situation by balancing it all at once, getting their relaxation on while simultaneously assuring their office isn’t burning down.

Though this may sound all good theoretically, it rarely ever goes that smoothly. Something always wins. Either you’re constantly checking emails and taking calls, ultimately defeating the purpose of a vacation, or you give in completely to vacating, ignoring all communication with the office, and you return to head-swooning work overload.

Keynote speaker, executive trainer, and founder of national corporate consulting company Professional Matters, Dana Brownlee, has a…

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