The popular early-90s sitcom “A Different World” revolved around characters attending an Historically Black College or University (HBCU), higher learning institutions created to provide a safe space primarily for African Americans. One of the show’s central characters, Dwayne Cleofis Wayne, showed along with his fellow classmates the progression of young Black people at an HBCU in a way not previously depicted on television. Kadeem Hardison, who played Dwayne, is thankful for those viewers who were positively moved and inspired by him.
The Brooklyn-born actor originally felt everything about Dwayne was “corny”—the way he dressed, spoke, and even his now iconic glasses. “When [the show’s executive producer] offered me the glasses, I just thought, ‘Anything I can have that’ll hide me, that people maybe [would] not recognize me,’” said Hardison.
He didn’t initially see “A Different World” as a potential TV hit. His insecurities as a young actor…
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