Ursula Burns Pictures

Ursula Burns Now

Hello, we have Ursula Burns pictures for you to enjoy. As you can see we also enabled you to have the ability to download each picture in its original high quality. Anyway, we have some awesome new photos of the famous Ursula Burns. I loved putting up all these photos for you all. Unfortunately Ursula isn’t active to the public on social media, but you can’t really blame her I guess. She is worth almost 2 billion dollars(USD).

Ursula Burns Photos

At Board Meeting
At Table
Black White Photo
Board Member
Ceo Ursula Burns Photo
Haircut Side
Hd Burns
Hd Photo Ursula Burns
Hd Smile
Nice Photo
Photo Ursula
Serious Face
Skinny Ursula Burns
Small Photo
State Dinner At White House With Husband
Talking To People
Talking With Hands
Ursula At George Town University
Ursula At Xerox Back In The Day
Ursula Burns As A Baby
Ursula Burns At Qatar Economic Forum
Ursula Burns Ceo Legend
Ursula Burns Face
Ursula Burns In 2010
Ursula Burns In 2017
Ursula Burns Now
Ursula Burns Sitting
Ursula Burns Smiling
Ursula Burns With Husband And Daughter
Ursula Burns With Smart Watch
Ursula Mouth
Wearing Purple
With Glasses
With Obama

About Ursula Burns

Ursula Burns is a black billionaire businesswoman and philanthropist who served as the CEO and chairwoman of Xerox from 2009 to 2016. She was the first African-American woman to lead a Fortune 500 company, and the first woman to succeed another woman as head of a Fortune 500 company.

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