The Plight of Small Business

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There are roughly 3 million registered businesses in America.

76% are owner-operated.

Only 4,000 are publicly traded.

There’s the fortune 1,000 / 500 /100.

Yet, the businesses we study, make laws for and condition our attitudes and behaviors toward are not the almost 3 million that are average businesses ran by the common man.

This creates poor employee habits, unrealistic government expectations and repeated failure for the small businesses.

There virtually no laws to protect these small businesses from fraudulent resumes, employee theft and more.

The accountability is always placed on the business, no matter of the business is clearly the victim. Victim shaming overlooks these small businesses. Instead, when failures happen, these businesses are told to do a better job at recruiting, screening and overseeing their business. These businesses are asked to take the losses.

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