I made it! And for so many reasons. In this, the last Talking SCHOP! for January, I can still wish you a happy New Year without etiquette experts giving me too much side eye.
What was the delay, you ask? Well, I also “made it” through meniscus repair and ACL replacement knee surgery at the end of 2024, and am currently in the beginning months of recovery. We’re talking being non-weight-bearing, using crutches and an ergonomic stool with rollerblade wheels to move about my home.
This time convalescing, having to take several seats, can be lonely and manic for a busy, independent single person like me. I feel lucky to have my two senior fur sons, Angus and Benzo, to receive unconditional love, to care for, and to galvanize our village of neighbors and friends to take over my dog-walking duties.
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