Meet the 9-Year-Old Entrepreneur Teaching Advanced Computer Tips on TikTok


Elvis Muchiri, a 9-year-old boy from Nairobi, Kenya, has gained fame for teaching computer hacks on TikTok. Via his channel, which is called Evolve With Elvis, he creates videos to teach people about keyboard shortcuts. So far, he has 126,000 followers and 1.7 million likes.

Together with his little sister Megan, Elvis teaches a range of hacks, from basic Windows shortcuts to more advanced tips, all while injecting some Swahili lessons for his viewers, according to Because of Them We Can.

His humor and banter have made him popular among his followers, who appreciate his teaching style. One time when a TikTok user asked how to buy a computer, Elvis jokingly replied, “Money has to be involved, no shortcut for this.”

Many people are impressed by his knowledge and one even donated $600 to…

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