This summer has been filled with family reunions, sleepovers with your cousins at grandma’s house, block parties and swimming pool fun. And we’re sure that one uncle of yours pulled out his dusty gray or black sandals before proudly tossing meat on the barbecue grill.
For the Black community, barbecues are special because of the cultural exchange between Natives, Caribbeans and Africans in the New World. Cultural exchange between Black regions and cultures speaks to the diversity in our food choices. Enslaved people would grill during their rare downtime on Sundays. These gatherings became brief moments of freedom, celebration and relaxation. It is not too far-fetched to believe that rebellions and escapes were also planned at barbecues.
Barbecues are spaces where Blackness is open, free and central to our collective identity: The euphoria we get from performing the Electric Slide, the Cupid Shuffle or the Cha-cha Slide with our loved ones, sharing our collective political…
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