Do The Right Thing Block Party celebrates 35th year

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Infants, teens, and elders. Brownstone stoops. Printed clothing, graphic t-shirts and hats all pay homage to renowned director Spike Lee’s films. Though the Do the Right Thing 35th Anniversary Block Party had started only two hours prior, by 2 p.m. it was already crowded. By 3:30, people came in droves. Local families took to the crowded street to dance, people watch, and take phone photos. Others found a haven on their stoop with family and friends, grilling and enjoying what must’ve been the best day in the neighborhood all year. 

On Sunday, June 30, 2024, the Do the Right Thing 35th Anniversary Block Party set up a stage on the corner of Do The Right Thing Way (Stuyvesant Avenue between Lexington Avenue and Quincy Street in Bed-Stuy), where Spike Lee’s classic movie, “Do The Right Thing,” was filmed. Spike wore clothing representing Sal’s Pizzeria from the movie, while event goers held signs reading, “JUSTICE FOR RADIO RAHEEM,” blurring the line between…

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