Teri Johnson, a 47-year-old African American woman from New York City, turned her passion for Harlem’s cultural heritage into a thriving luxury candle business. In 2015, she founded Harlem Candle Company using $50,000 originally saved for her wedding and now it boasts an annual revenue of $2 million.
When Johnson moved to Harlem in 2000, the rich cultural history of Black icons that surrounded the community reignited her deep passion for Black culture. In 2014, she started crafting scented candles in her kitchen as gifts for her family and friends, realizing an opportunity to blend her hobby with Harlem’s cultural heritage.
“Everything just fell into place,” Johnson told Inc. “I was encouraged by friends and family who had received my candles. I was making the candles in Harlem and I loved the Harlem Renaissance. My goal became to put Harlem on the map with a beautiful, luxurious fragrance.”
As a former management consultant armed with an MBA from Florida A&M, an HBCU, Johnson…
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