The critically acclaimed documentary “Can You Bring It: Bill T. Jones and D-Man in the Waters,” part of Black Public Media (BPM) and WORLD’s AfroPoP: The Ultimate Cultural Exchange series, has received a Peabody Award. Directed by Rosalynde LeBlanc and Tom Hurwitz, the film delves into the powerful story behind choreographer Bill T. Jones’s groundbreaking dance piece created during the AIDS crisis.
“Can You Bring It” opened season 15 of AfroPoP and has garnered widespread acclaim for its poignant exploration of the healing power of art in the face of adversity. Set against the backdrop of the AIDS pandemic, the documentary chronicles Jones’s creation of “D-Man in the Waters,” a ballet that was a testament to resilience and hope during tragedy.
The film takes viewers on a journey through LeBlanc’s dance studio at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, where her students grapple with learning Jones’s tour de force ballet. It also transports audiences back to…
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