House of Yes in Brooklyn hosted a screening of the short film “Bodega.” This captivating story follows a young queer Black woman who experiences love at first sight, with social media content creator and model Ocean van Exel portraying the woman of her dreams.
Written and directed by Sharik Atkinson (she/they), “Bodega” is driven by Atkinson’s profound desire to bring more queer stories to both big and small screens that aren’t centered around the trauma of “coming out.” After the screening of “Bodega,” there will be a cast Q&A session moderated by Womxn in Windows.
While Atkinson makes her directorial debut with this short, she is no stranger to the film industry. She has contributed to major productions, including NBCU’s “Genie,” “’Law & Order SVU,” and Netflix’s “Manifest.” She has also produced commercials for renowned brands including Foot Locker, Apple, and Google. Atkinson currently serves as the social media director at a prominent…
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